Guide to Plastic Modeling for Beginners

Guide to Plastic Modeling for Beginners

The Ultimate Guide to Plastic Modeling for Beginners

building models


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on plastic modeling for beginners. At Sominibricks, we understand the passion and creativity that goes into plastic modeling( both brick style and traditional scale models), and we're here to help you embark on this exciting journey. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know to get started, from choosing the right materials to mastering the art of assembly and finishing. I was an avid modeler at age 16 and loved to build military planes and tanks. My choices were limited to the local drugstore that had a pretty good section on models and paints. As I grew older(up) and had a wife, kids and a career in the Marines, I stopped modeling. In the last year or so I picked it up again and the resources and kits are almost overwhelming to the new modeler. After getting started again, I thought I would share some basic thought for the new modeler. It does not matter if you are interested in military, cars or aircraft as the basics are all the same. Let's dive right in and look at a few basics that will get you on the right track.


girl model building

Choosing the Right Materials

1. Selecting the Perfect Plastic Model Kit

Before you start your plastic modeling adventure, it's crucial to choose the right model kit. Consider factors such as your skill level, interests, and available space. Whether you're into aircraft, tanks, cars, or ships, there's a kit out there for you. Research and read reviews to find a kit that suits your preferences and your interests. It is tempting to buy a big complicated kit to get started, but it is best to do a simple kit to build your skills up. In the end you will be glad you did. I think if you take your time and make one or two basic kits you will make some mistakes and see the skills you need to work on. Also, you will not be too upset if your $15 kit does not look the best....vs splurging on a $100 that was above your skill level.

model boat

2. Essential Tools and Supplies

You do not really need to many tools to get started. If you ever watched a Youtube video on modeling you will notice that the host probably has 500 jars of paint, 300 brushes and about 25 different files on his dedicated model work bench. Again start small and buy only the items you need to complet your first few kits. To ensure a smooth modeling process, you'll need a set of essential tools and supplies, including:

  • Modeling Knife: A sharp modeling knife with replaceable blades for precise cutting.

  • Cutting Mat: Protect your work surface with a cutting mat.

  • Glue: High-quality plastic liquid cement for secure bonding. This will “melt” the plastic parts together. It will have about a 30 second working time so you can move the part if needed. It will not work if you painted your parts first.

  • Paints and Brushes: Acrylic or enamel paints and various brushes for detailing.

  • Sandpaper or Small Files: To smooth rough edges and surfaces.

  • Decals and Stickers: Enhance the look of your model with decals normally come with the kit.

  • Masking Tape: For creating clean paint lines...important if you do cars.

  • Tweezers: Handy for handling small parts if you have fat fingers like me.

  • Decicated Work Area: We recommend the MocTray Hobby Tray by SoMiniBricks as it is portable and is a great work surface for modeling.

modeling man

Building Your Model

3. Assembly Process

Follow these steps for a successful assembly:

  1. Read the Instructions: Always start by reading the kit's instructions thoroughly.

  2. Remove Parts Carefully: Use your modeling knife to remove parts from the sprues.

  3. Dry Fit: Test-fit parts together before applying glue to ensure proper alignment. Do it dry first or you will find out the parts don't fit well and it is hard to sand off wet glue.

  4. Apply Glue Sparingly: Apply glue with precision to avoid excess and mess.

  5. Hold Firmly: Hold parts together firmly while the glue dries.

  6. Patience is Key: Allow sufficient time for glue to set before moving on.

  7. Read the Instructions:Did I say start by reading the kit's instructions thoroughly as it will reduce your frustration when you glue the piece backwards and up side down(been there more than once).

  8. Build your Model in a dedicated space or use one of our portable work areas like the MocTray Hobby Tray.

model painting

4. Detailing and Painting

Detailing and painting your model is where your creativity shines. Take your time and look at books or the internet for a few tips. Do not worry if you do not own an airbrush as you can often get by with some spray paint from Lowes. Remember it is best to many light coats vs one heavy coat so your details will show through and the paint does not run. If you get a drip or run, let it dry for a while and then lightly sand it down. Take your time as you can normally fix it.

  • Priming: Apply a primer coat to improve paint adhesion...grey or black is best

  • Use a Paint Stand for best results: We recommend the Model Painter paint stand by SominiBricks. It will allow you to have a stable rotating work stand for your models and allow you to paint your details with exact precision. It works great for airbrushing and brush painting and has multiple accessories for figures and larger models.

  • Base Coats: Start with the main colors of your model. If you brush paint your model make sure you paint is mixed and not too thick.

  • Detailing: Use fine brushes for intricate details. It is worth the $5 for a very tiny detail brush to do all those small details.

  • Weathering: Add realism with weathering effects like rust, dirt, and chipping. Again look at a few videos and you will see how easy it is to weather your model. Just like painting, less is always more. You may need to do a few different washes.

  • Sealing: Protect your final paint job with a clear coat. Use a mat coat for your military models and a gloss coat for your autos.

boy modeling    

Finishing Touches

5. Decals and Stickers

Carefully apply decals and stickers using tweezers and a soft brush. Use decal setting solutions for a seamless finish. Your setting solution will let the decal lay flat and will look painted on once it is dry.

6. Final Assembly

Assemble any remaining parts, such as landing gear, weapons, or accessories, to complete your model. If you want to add it to a diorama, you can start planing your scene



Displaying Your Masterpiece

7. Display Options

Once your model is finished, it's time to showcase your skills. Consider display options such as:

  • Display Cases: Protect your model from dust and damage. . The best way to protect your finished models is with a ModLbox by SoMiniBricks. It allows you to build your diorama display and keep the dust off your masterpiece.

  • Dioramas: Create realistic scenes to enhance your model's story. There are plenty of ways you can create your scene and it will motivate you to build more models.

  • Shelving: Display multiple models on dedicated shelves. This becomes an issue as your continue your new hobby.

  • Lighting: Use proper lighting to highlight your masterpiece and show off the details.


Congratulations! You've should have a basic idea of how to get started plastic modeling for beginners. Remember, practice makes does make your models more perfect, so keep honing your skills and exploring new techniques. It will take a while to build your skills, but the journey is enjoyable and worthwhile. With bit of dedication and creativity, you'll create stunning plastic models that you can proudly display in your home or office.

For more tips, tricks, and inspiration, stay tuned to SominiBricks for the best in modeling, military bricks and hobby trays. Happy modeling!


model ship